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Comprehensive Learningbase Launched

New Resource for Debating and Coaching

Comprehensive Learningbase Launched

IDEA Learningbase, a new online resource for debating and coaching, has been launched. The website offers a comprehensive collection of training courses, videos, and resources to help students, teachers, and coaches improve their debating skills. IDEA Learningbase was created by the Institute for Debate Education and Advancement (IDEA), a non-profit organization formed in 1996 to facilitate the development of school and university debating in the UK.

University Debating Societies

IDEA Learningbase is also supported by the Debattierclub Stuttgart DCS (Stuttgart Debating Union), the debating society of the University of Stuttgart; the Berlin Debating Union, the debating society of Berlin's institutions of tertiary education; and Streitpunkt Leipzig, the students debating society at the University of Leipzig.
